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Cruise along the scenic banks of the Mekong River in southern Laos with a 3 day/2 night cruise. The Vat Phou cruise boat boasts 12 cabins, all with air-conditioning and private bathrooms, also owning open and shaded decks, a restaurant and a bar.

The cruise will introduce you to some breathtaking points of call such as the UNESCO World Heritage Vat Phou ruins at Champassak, the 4,000 islands, the Pha Pheng waterfall on the Laos and Cambodian border and the Oum Muong ruins.
If you are seeking a comfortable journey along the Mekong while appreciating the surrounding colorful culture of this fascinating part of the world, the luxury Vat Phou Cruises is the best choice in Lao. If you ever dreamt of cruising down the Mekong River, do it with style – do it with Vat Phou Cruises.

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Since 1999, our custom-built river boats have traveled on the Mekong in Laos between Luang Prabang and Huay Xai.
We are renowned for offering a unique cultural journey and an opportunity to understand more about life and nature along the legendary river.
As part of our 2 days cruise, you will spend the night at Luang Say Lodge, and experience the fiery and romantic sunset from your luxury teak and rosewood bungalow along the river.

Join our Mekong cruise in this rich, colorful and historic region, largely untouched by the modern world.




About The cruise

With almost 2 decades of experience cruising the Mekong, Luang Says Cruises offer 4 different ways of cruising the Mekong, all designed to meet the wants and needs of travel explorers. We provide exotic cultural journeys and visits to renowned natural wonders in Laos.
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Trip advisor Reviews

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About the boats

Our boats are 34 metres long, with a 420 HP engine and a steel hull for strength and safety. The boats have a capacity for 40 people seated in comfortable chairs and benches...
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About the lodge

On the left bank of the river, the Luang Say Lodge is backed by mountainous jungle. The large pavilions of solid teak and rosewood all have beautiful vistas looking out over the Mekong river...
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